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Joey & Sandy Bonfiglio - Managers

Activate Healthy Stem Cells with X39!


X39 is a new patented technology that is clinically proven to help support your overall health through significantly increasing copper peptides and activating healthy stem cells.

How Does X39 Work?

Exclusive Look: X39 Doctor Panel | 2024 Believe Conference

Learn About X39!

X39 Patent Number: US 10,716,953 B1

X39 is “a wearable phototherapy apparatus that produces beneficial effects to a human body such as activation of stem cells, improvement in strength, improvement in stamina, pain relief via a non-transdermal container. The non-transdermal apparatus reflects or emits specific wavelengths of light to elevate levels of the copper peptide GHK-CU in the body.

How To Use X39

  • Wear behind your neck, below your bellybutton, or anywhere you desire
  • Wear for 12 hours on, and 12 hours off
  • Repeat the next day with a new patch
  • ​Drink plenty of water (4-5 ounces every 30 minutes)
  • ​Use electrolytes daily

Natural Health with Dr. Jen O'Sullivan (30 minutes)


The X39 patch is clinically proven to increase the copper-bound tripeptide of glycine, histidine, and lysine. X39 elevates GHK-Cu copper peptide, which is known to support the proliferation and activation of healthy stem cells. GHK-Cu also has the ability to reset 4,192 genes to a younger and healthier state. Because X39 elevates GHK-Cu production in the body, it supports cellular repair, relief of inflammatory pain, wound healing, skin, hair, and nail health, hormone balancing, better energy, better sleep quality, plus it supports brain balancing to lessen depression, anxiety, aggression, and mood swings.
  • Supports activation of stem cells
  • ​​Supports improvements in strength & stamina
  • Supports improved Sports performance
  • ​Reduction in inflammation
  • ​Supports improved muscle recovery
  • ​​Elevation of antioxidants
  • ​Stimulates the skin for improved energy flow
  • ​Elevation of collagen production
  • ​​Patented Technology

To purchase X39, please fill out the form below!

Below are some answers to our most common frequently asked questions:

Q: How much is X39?
A: X39 is about $99 USD per month.

Q How do I purchase X39?

Q: How long will I need to wear X39? 
A: Most see results within 4-6 months if not sooner. Once you understand the vast benefits of X39, there is no reason to stop wearing it!

If you have additional question regarding the X39 or other LifeWave patches, please continue to fill out the form below and Joey or Sandy will contact you directly.  

Ready to get X39?

Contact us to get you started!

Hear From The X39 Inventor 

Watch Now: X39 Doctor Panel (2024 Believe Conference)

X39 Presentation with Clinical Studies

Watch Now: Stem Cell Activation with X39 | Clinical Studies with LifeWave CEO David Schmidt

X39 Testimonials

Sciatic Nerve Recovery:
"After six weeks using the X39 patch, my sciatic nerve pain began to subside and by week eight it was completely gone! Not only has the X39 patches allowed me to recover from sciatica, my energy and stamina throughout the day has also increased allowing me to complete my daily plank routine and 3-mile runs. At 48, I continue to play competitive ice hockey, thanks to X39!"   

Joey B., Mindset & Peak Performance Coach
Improved Energy and Vitality:
"I've been using the LifeWave X39 patch for three months, and my energy levels have never been higher. I feel more vibrant and alive, and my daily fatigue has significantly reduced. It's been a game-changer!" 

— Sarah L., Entrepreneur

Enhanced Athletic Recovery:
"As a marathon runner, recovery is crucial. Since I started using the X39 patch, I've noticed faster recovery times and less muscle soreness. It's become a vital part of my training regimen." 

— Mark T., Athlete

Better Sleep Quality:
"For years, I struggled with poor sleep. The X39 patch has helped me achieve deeper, more restful sleep. I wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day." 

— Emily R., Teacher

Youthful Skin:
"I've seen a noticeable difference in my skin's texture and appearance. My fine lines have diminished, and my skin looks more youthful and radiant. The X39 patch is my secret weapon!" 

— Linda K., Retired

Mental Clarity and Focus:
"The X39 patch has significantly improved my focus and mental clarity. I'm more productive at work and can think more clearly throughout the day. Highly recommend!" 

— James P., Manager

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Disclaimer: LiveWave products are for general wellness and intended only to maintain or encourage a general state of health or a healthy activity. The content provided by LifeWave is presented in summary form, is general in nature, and is provided for informational purposes only. This product is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Individual results may vary. Always consult with your physician or other qualified health care provider before embarking on a new health regimen, diet or fitness program. Do not disregard any medical advice you have received or delay in seeking it. LifeWave reserves the right to change product prices or selection.
Copyright © 2024 Joey Bonfiglio – Mindset & Peak Performance Coach | All Rights Reserved